Curated by John Schmit

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Week 50


 News From Around The Web


NASA Launches a New X-ray Observatory

China sends classified Shijian satellites into orbit with milestone Long March launch

SPHERE Directly Images Wide-Orbit Gas Giant in Nearby Binary System

Hubble is Fully Operational Once Again

Building a private space station

Planetary scientist suggests loss of water to space on Mars may be tied to lower atmospheric factors

New rocket test facility under construction in Scotland

South Australia’s Oculus Observatory hosts passive radar to track space objects

"Newer, nimbler, faster:" Venus probe will search for signs of life in clouds of sulfuric acid

Astronomers spy record-breaking eruption on young sunlike star

Curiosity Mars Rover: Magnificent Views

Successful and diverse harvest in darkness and eternal ice

Visualizing the propagation path of electromagnetic waves from space to ground

Gravitational Waves Should Permanently Distort Space-Time

A special sleeping bag could help astronauts with vision issues in space

Infant stars identified at the center of our galaxy

Hubble telescope spots a complex cloud of gas expanding into space

How the private space race is allowing NASA to explore new frontiers

NASA's eventual farewell to tiny Mars helicopter could be emotional

How TIMED Flies

Asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs hit Earth during northern spring, scientists argue

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